"The Saga of the Pony Express" book
Author Joseph J. Di Certo, 245 pages, paperback.One of the "best sellers" we offer in our store. Against a backdrop of colorful characters chasing great dreams and greater adventure, The Saga of the Pony Express brings the legendary mail service to life. Separating truth from myth, it covers the route, the horses, the hard-driving supervisors, and the talented young riders such as Wild Bill Hickok and Buffalo Bill Cody, who shrugged off pain and sneered at danger. Meticulously researched yet anything but dry, this book takes a fresh approach to a topic previously limited mostly to scholarly writings--Di Certo entertains and informs.Complete with dozens of illustrations, several maps, and appendixes of riders and relay stations--including stations the reader can still see today--The Saga of the Pony Express proves there's a reason some legends endure.